The HVW-10 has been developed as an easy to use / cost effective way to find solutions to heavy lifting where minimal clearance is available. It will lift objects vertically where an access gap of 3/8”(9.5mm) or more is available. The HVW-10 will lift an object fast, secure and safe with a lifting force of 16 Tons per tool. Multiple units can be used if greater lifting force is needed.
The HVW-10 can be used for :
Lifting Heavy Machinery.
Equipment Installation.
Plant Maintenance.
Equipment Alignment.
Assisting with Toe Jack Access.
Special Features:
Access gap of only 3/8”(9.5mm) needed.
3/4”(19.0mm) of vertical lift available from each step.
Max. height of 50mm on 4th step.
Automatic spring return retraction.
Interlocking first step ensures safe hold.
No Slippage due to locking.
Will lift in a straight vertical place.